Monday, February 23, 2009

Job Fair!

This year's Master's Level Social Work Job Fair is going to be held at Columbia University-Lerner Hall, on Friday, April 24 (11am-3pm). I remember that alumni came to the job fair last year . . . the website only mentions students, but I would assume alumni can go too.

Article: In Turnabout, Children Take Caregiver Role

Here's an article from the NY Times about children taking on the role as caregiver.

Below is a portion from the article:

"Across the country, children are providing care for sick parents or grandparents — lifting frail bodies off beds or toilets, managing medication, washing, feeding, dressing, talking with doctors. Schools, social service agencies and health providers are often unaware of those responsibilities because families members may be too embarrassed, or stoic.

Some children develop maturity and self-esteem. But others grow anxious, depressed or angry, sacrifice social and extracurricular activities and miss — or quit — school."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recession Girl NYC

Recession Girl NYC is a cute and clever website for those of us living in NYC with a hankering to get out and have some fun on a budget (especially useful for those of us living on a social worker's salary). Tips are given on how to get more for the money you spend ("Swindle of the Day"), free/low-cost events ("Low Roller Fun"), cheap or free items being given out ("Curb Alert"), and much more.

Check it out!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Prince of Broadway

Does anyone know where or when the Prince of Broadway might be playing? I noticed that it's playing at BAM Rose Cinema on Tuesday at 4pm, but sadly I can't make it and it seems this is the only time to see it. It looks like an interesting story. And, BAM is currently having a film festival entitled: Best of the African Diaspora Film Festival

Here's a synopsis:

Prince of Broadway is the story of Lucky and Levon, two men whose lives converge in the underbelly of New York's wholesale fashion district. Lucky, an illegal immigrant from Ghana, makes ends meet by soliciting shoppers on the street with knock-off brand merchandise. Levon, a Armenian-Lebanese immigrant, operates an illegal storefront with a concealed back room where counterfeit goods are showcased to interested shoppers. Lucky's world is suddenly turned upside down when a child is thrust into his life by a woman who insists the toddler is his son. While Lucky copes with his new domestic dilemma, Levon struggles to save a marriage that is falling apart.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Article: hildren in the Mental Health Void

This article by Judith Warner, Children in the Mental Health Void, is an interesting look at our country's failing mental health care system.

Check it out.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

REMINDER!! LMSW study session

Hey everyone,

Just a quick reminder that we will be having another lmsw study session/chat session on Saturday, February 28 at 11:30am. We plan to meet at the Barnes & Noble Cafe in Union Square.

See you then!